Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Beautiful and Talented J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is an amazing writer, in my humble opinion. The Harry Potter series, as I'm sure you all know were a big hit. At first, I didn't want to read them because they were another "fad" thing, but I was introduced to them by my best friend Lindsey. Upon reading them, I was hooked. Now, they may not be the best literature out there ever, but they're still pretty darn cool. I don't know who your favorite Harry Potter character is (but mine's Snape). However, I get annoyed quickly by girls who think Severus is hot. Learn how to read. Only an illiterate person would think Severus was hot -- I was most disappointed when Ms. Rowling took the opportunity to slay Severus with a snake bite to the throat. However, that aside, I must admit she's a genius. For my seminar thesis class I'm doing a paper on how Harry Potter is more than just mere child's play, for I believe there are themes and morals in these books that even adult Pottards can gain from reading the books. Our Professor instructed us to look up pictures and information on our author. So I did. I have to admit that I found a treasure trove of information that made me love Miss Rowling even more and I thought I would share since you all can't make the exhibition that our poster projects will be laid out for display. I also thought that some of you might possess a sense of humor and might enjoy what Rowling has to say. So without further ado, I shall stop with the Potter lecture and go into The Rowling Zone. -insert eerie lyrics here-

Here's some interesting tidbit's about Rowling that you might not know:
  • "She was named in the top 20 best dressed women by Harpers Bazaar beating supermodel Kate Moss in the style stakes."
  • She claimed that stories of a Hollywood-style health and beauty regime were untrue and attacked size zero models and Paris Hilton-type celebrities "whose only function in the world appears to be supporting the trade in overpriced handbags and rat-sized dogs".
  • The 42-year-old described them as "empty headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones".
  • She has sold more than 400 million copies of the Harry Potter series.
  • Rowling's healthier physique is down to her top tip, 'eating more'.
  • From an early age, J.K. Rowling had an ambition to be a writer.
  • J.K.Rowling has stated recently, that on the 21st December 2006, she finished her final book of the Harry Potter Series – "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". The book is due for release in July 2007. J.K.Rowling has said the book is her favourite, and it makes her both happy and sad.
  • Will there be another Harry Potter book? For sometime Rowling has insisted that she will not write another Harry Potter book, but in an article in Time Magazine in January 2008 she confessed to "weak moments" when she feels like succumbing to the pressure from her many fans, including her her 14-year-old daughter Jessica. Rowling says, "If - and it's a big if - I ever write an eighth book, I doubt that Harry would be the central character. I feel I've already told his story. "But these are big ifs. Let's give it ten years."
  • Harry Potter author JK Rowling recieved The 2003 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord in the Humanites section.
I found all of these facts from Mail Online under an article entitled: JK Rowling: I'm putting on weight thanks to my 'eat more' diet, Biography J.K. Rowling (, and J.K. (Joanne) Rowling Biography (

To conclude, you may love Twilight to your heart's content. I'm not a big fan of it, but whatever. To each their own. However, Stephenie Meyer isn't and never will be the next J.K. Rowling. You're comparing books that shouldn't even be compared. Let's face it -- they are both in different genres for starters not to mention sparkling vampires is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. So as far as I'm concerned, Twilight is a big no go. If you want to read something hilarious and if you hate Twilight like me, there's a lovely little article here: I completely agree with every point made in this article. Let's face it folks, Harry Potter is better. At least it has a plot. Not to mention well developed characters and Joan knows enough not to use the word grimace too much. Ah well, enough of my tirade on the stupidity of teenage girls who think Edward Cullen is hot. Dracula would eat him for a breakfast appetizer.